Sunday, February 16, 2014

sunny sunday

This Tennessee winter has been an arctic tundra, and today's 50 degrees felt so satisfying and reminded me why I miss spring. Sockos anyone? Today was a the ideal chacos-but-not-quite day. Literally can't wait for warmth.

So instead of working on my two looming projects I'm listening to Bon Iver and people watching in the library (a favorite study break pastime). I love people so much. They are kind of amazing. Also I've decided I need to read more books outside of school books. There's so much out there to learn! I just want to read biographies of worldchangers and learn about why they were so great and how they changed the world. We'll see how strong my resolve is in making that happen. 

After being really sick the majority of last week, I feel like I've come out of hibernation. I was pretty much off the grid for about four days. Maybe I needed it. God always seems to know how to make me slow down and recharge and turn my heart back to Him. That has and continues to be my prayer these days. I want my heart to reflect the Father's heart. I want to love what He loves, hate what He hates, and long for what He longs for. 

The sunshine always reminds me of the goodness of the Lord. Despite crazy life and homework frenzies and work stresses, the sun is still shining. A sunny day in the dead of winter that lets you roll down your windows and jam is much needed. My heart is thankful!!

Here's to more sunny days. I need to invest in some sunglasses if this weather trend continues… 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

for the moms.

This one goes to the moms out there. You know who you are. 

Cheesy alert - Continue reading at your own risk.

Bad day? Stressed? My not-so-epic, heartfelt advice for the day: call your mom. I continuously re-learn how amazing moms are at giving advice, being there for you amid the random outbursts, helping navigate troublesome situations, magically making your sickness go away, and loving well.

Love you Mama. Thanks for being cool. This probably won't be my last post commemorating the pure greatness of mothers out there. There's just so much to be thankful for. Now go hug your mom. Right now!