Thursday, March 20, 2014

coffee shop revelations

I have come to the conclusion that coffee shops are good for the soul. The smell of coffee and the sound of community is simply refreshing. Today gave me the chance to escape from school's monotony and have some real Jesus time. Coffee + the Bible + more coffee = one great combination. Not to mention the people watching… forever a creeper. It must be in my DNA. 

So I stumbled upon this amazing verse today. 2 Corinthians 5:5 in the Message version says "The Spirit of God whets our appetite by giving us a taste of what's ahead. He puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we'll never settle for less."

Have you ever felt like when you see an ocean or a sunset, your heart expands just a little bit, and heaven doesn't feel so far away? 

The world is hard-pressed to find things that can satisfy us more deeply than heavenly things, but believe me it tries. Why do we get so sidetracked so easily? 

I know life and technology and human nature are the main contributing factors, but really. I often ask myself what's really holding me back from living in the Presence of God daily and not letting tomorrow's troubles dictate my heart's direction today. 

Life would be easier if it consisted of sleeping in and daily coffee shop hours and endless book reading, right? 


But that's not the life we're called to. Real life is messy and tiring and hard yet beautiful all at once. And the moments when we rediscover the little bits of heaven in our hearts make the journey worth the struggle. It's a crazy life, but God knows what He is doing.