Dun dun
dun dun!!! The blog is back!
Well, the
blog never really went anywhere. Mary, on the other hand, has been slightly off
her blogging game for a good minute. All down time has been spent either
sleeping or reading Anne of Green Gables to my little heart's content. But now
that the homework, deadline, sadness-filled cloud of school has lifted, I am
finally free to have free time. What a gift! Goodbye school and welcome
first, how about some post-freshman-year-of-college-musings? And maybe a few
more hyphenated-words while-I'm-at-it.
start with a favorite memory. One of my professors this past semester
unknowingly imparted some wisdom to me. As I was making up a quiz in her
office, she asked me rather nonchalantly if she should cancel class that coming
Friday. At first, I was a little confused as to why a college professor would
ask me a question that seemed entirely up to her authority. I uttered a very
questioning “yes?” to which she agreed: “I was leaning that way, too," she
said with a smile, "Sometimes, one of the greatest gifts you can give
someone is time.”
And how
true that statement rings. Time. With pending homework assignments and service
hours to complete, in college, I believe that you learn a whole new outlook on
time and how to make the most of it (or how to professionally waste it). From
living in the dorms to all-nighters in the library, to movie nights when class
magically gets cancelled, there is always somewhere to be, someone to hang out
with, and something to do. Balance is an invaluable skill. Freshie Mary and
Mary today has changed and grown up a lot and it’s been one whirlwind of a
learning and growing season.
Here are
some lessons that I learned along the way. Maybe these can help you out, or
maybe you can laugh along with me. Either is perfectly fine with me!
freshman year, you learn how little sleep you can function on. If you get eight
hours, it’s a miracle. So sleep. Sleep as much as you can.
Coffee is
a prized miracle liquid with magical awakening powers. Utilize this power
running late for your 9:10 class, it’s amazing how a ten minute walk can turn
into a five minute sprint sot keep you from missing that blessed sign-in sheet
that gets taken up at 9:12.
Rain at
MTSU is code for "prepare to be soaking wet unless you acquire a rain
jacket, an umbrella, rain boots, a kayak, and a paddle."
in flip-flops is a tough habit to break once you move home for the summer.
your commitments. Don’t be a flake. Nobody likes a flake. But for real, if you
commit to something, follow through, no matter how difficult it is.
cafeteria ladies are probably the sweetest people I’ve ever met. Make friends
with them.
When your
planner is completely full of events and assignments and tests and you don’t
know how you will ever make it through the next two weeks alive, breath. Take
it one day at a time. Hunker down and get work done. This too shall pass.
time with Jesus. When you feel utterly confused or overwhelmed, sometimes a
good cry and a moment in the presence of the Lord puts everything back into
perspective. Don’t be afraid to be weak. He is strong in our weakest moments.
And thank goodness for His grace.
Peace out
year one. Here’s to a splendid summer!