Saturday, January 11, 2014

a good day's rest

rest: to be at ease; to have tranquility or peace. 

Today, rest looks like settling on the couch by the window, soaking in the sunshine and enjoying the warmth. It smells and tastes like coffee, sounds like worship music, and feels like an afghan made by my Granny with tangible love in every stitch. 

Christmas break is coming (more like racing) to a close. I have never ever valued rest more than this past month. Last semester, balancing life stressed me out. I was worried too much. I definitely didn't sleep enough and I surely didn't take time to just be. But during this break from school God has been teaching me about the importance of slowing down and resting, more than just in the physical sense. I needed to catch up on sleep, yes. After my wisdom teeth surgery I think I slept for about three days straight. Zombie Mary was real that week. I'm back to normal now though, right? Beyond sleep, however, my loving Savior is gently reminding me to rest. To rest in Him. To be still and wait on the Lord.

"What does that even look like?" There I go again. Questioning everything. Don't you love that we can ask God questions? He can handle it. After asking the Lord what resting in Him looks like, I realized that rest means letting go, and letting God be enough. It's about handing over your burdens, and choosing to make God your comfort & safety & strength. This morning was an epiphany morning. There's a reason God wants us to take the Sabbath and keep it holy. He knows what we need. And sometimes what we need is a minute to reflect and refresh our minds and our hearts. 

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:18)

Somehow, someway, when we fix our eyes on Jesus, peace and rest follow without a struggle or a second thought. 

Happy Saturday everyone. Happy, restful Saturday.

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