Wednesday, January 1, 2014

hello 2014

First of all, if you're in Murfreesboro and you haven't been out of doors today, go. NOW. Seriously. Open the window and breath. The sun is shining and the air is fresh and I love it if you can't already tell from my slight weather enthusiasm. I was made for sunny days like today, even if it's barely 50 degrees.

Happy January! - from me & the sunshine & this here blog.

In other news, I'm attempting to keep myself from falling asleep so I don't start 2014 with a completely backwards sleep schedule…

must. stay. awake.

Coffee anyone? I'd love to see how many cups of coffee I'll drink in 2014. Actually, it's probably better if I'm oblivious. If you know me, then you're aware that I drink copious amounts of coffee. Some say I'm addicted. That word usage is a little harsh. I prefer to call it a strong inclination and appreciation for the stuff. Coffee is magical, I tell you! Liquid magic.

Enough coffee rambles. for today…

So, I spent New Years Eve at a wonderful house with wonderful people and with wonderful hosts. It was a night of lip-syncing competitions, consuming way too much sugar, and staying up until about 5am watching Despicable Me 2. (Wild night, I know). But my favorite part was worshipping right after midnight together. What better way to usher in the new year than singing praises to the Lord with your friends? I'm so so thankful for old friends and new ones (and red ones and blue ones! Bad Dr. Seuss joke, I apologize).

But really.

Looking back, 2013 was a year of blessings and growth. Of course there were highs and lows, just like every other year. I graduated from high school, started working at my first real job at World Outreach Church (the best job ever in the world, just so you know), I survived my first semester of college, made the decision to move out in January and live on campus (ahh!), and cultivated friendships with amazing people that I know will last. But as I'm sitting here reflecting on all the life changes and adventures this past year brought, and the promise of new adventures, I can't help but be overwhelmed. I am overwhelmed by the true love of the Father, and His faithfulness. He has been so good to me. To all of us. His favor is apparent and His mercy is real. The peace of God is so close and accessible. His Word is true and a light for our paths.

Jesus. is. so. good.

I could go on and on… He has taught me so much this year!

Sometimes the thought of a new year is scary to me. It worries me a lot. New year, new decisions, new paths to take, new people, new places. Every year I'm getting older and life is getting a little more real. But God is faithful. He will never change. There is safety in knowing that when the years change, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. All the fears and worries that plague my heart are nonexistent in the presence of my savior. And I know that everything is going to be okay. Everything is in His hands. Including me, and my heart, and my life. He holds me in the palm of His hands. Now that's amazing.

Well everyone, 2013 is over. Cheers to 2014. Have a hap-hap-happy new year!

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